Re: Helper columns
No need for a tutorial. Helper columns are whatever you need to break down some formulas or provide some work arounds. Example, I have a helper column that is an IF statement that will say "YES&…6 · -
Re: Concatenate text and currency issue
Hi @PeterR I think this might serve you: ="Was £" + IFERROR(IF((LEN(MID([Std Sell Price in VAT]@row, FIND(".", [Std Sell Price in VAT]@row), 3)) - 1) = 2, IFERROR(LEFT([Std Sell P…1 · -
Re: Struggling with COUNTIFS
Hi @Alexis Taggard You have an AND that you don't need, and missing a comma that you do. HA. Try this: =COUNTIFS(Status:Status, "Received", [ETA/Receipt Date]:[ETA/Receipt Date], >=TODAY…6 · -
Re: How do I find my post
Upper right hand corner, click on the C or your profile picture, and then go to View Profile. Then on the left side, you will see "Discussion" which are those that you started and "Com…1 · -
If you haven't already, create another sheet that will do the summary for you. This new sheet should have each unique month of the calendar being your rows, and each Reason being a Column. Then do th…1 ·